A Sustainable Vision for Our Future: Carbon Neutrality
Whitehall Resources, a leader in SAP recruitment, prides itself on the unwavering pursuit of excellence and a results-oriented approach. Today, we are delighted to shed light on another cornerstone of our commitment – a steadfast dedication to sustainability and carbon neutrality.
Whitehall Resources proudly meets the criteria of a Carbon Neutral organisation per the PAS 2060 standard. This internationally recognised carbon neutrality standard is the brainchild of the British Standards Institute (BSI).
For the first time, we have calculated our organisation’s carbon footprint (CO2e) from 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2022. This initial measurement serves as our baseline carbon footprint, against which we will measure our future reductions.
Our adherence to the PAS 2060 standard encompasses Scope 1 & 2 and select Scope 3 emissions. The criteria align with the operational control principle defined in the 2014 WRI GHG Protocol – Corporate Accounting Standard.
Understanding our baseline footprint forms the backbone of our carbon reduction plan, designed to minimise our footprint progressively and consistently.
We pledge to diminish our footprint in the forthcoming 12-month period, with an unwavering commitment to annually re-measure our carbon footprint and continually reduce it.
As we stand at the threshold of our carbon measurement journey, we have counterbalanced 100% of our first-year baseline carbon footprint through a reputable carbon offset scheme, per guidance from the PAS 2060 Standard. Although our prime focus will be on carbon footprint reduction in the coming years, we will continue to offset any remaining emissions. We acknowledge that our carbon reduction endeavours hold more environmental significance and pose lower associated risks compared to offsetting.
Our carbon reduction plan is a multifaceted one, integrating both immediate and long-term strategies. We are actively encouraging eco-friendly commuting among our employees and envisage transitioning our company fleet to electric vehicles by 2030. We are also fostering a climate-conscious culture within our workforce and supplier network. To drive our sustainability agenda, we have designated ‘green champions’ among our staff and are working with suppliers to establish carbon reduction goals.
In accordance with the PAS 2060 standard, we have developed a Qualifying Explanatory Statement (QES), which is available on our website: Whitehall Resources – Qualifying Explanatory Statement (QES).
We believe in full transparency when making environmental claims. Hence the quality of data used to calculate our carbon footprint, along with our carbon reduction plan and commitment, is encompassed within the QES.
In our endeavour to offset our 2022 carbon emissions, Whitehall has purchased 187 Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) from the World Land Trust’s (WTA) reputable Carbon Balanced Project, to offset the equivalent of 186.67 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). By participating in the WTA Carbon Balanced programme, we are contributing to a biodiversity conservation and restoration project in Guatemala – a country which loses an average of 180,000 acres of forest each year due to various reasons like slash-and-burn agriculture, cattle ranching, and monoculture plantations.
By investing in the REDD+ project ‘Caribbean Guatemala: The Conservation Coast’, managed by WLT partner FUNDAECO, we are contributing to the preservation of over 300,000 acres of tropical forests and wetlands that extend across Guatemala’s entire Caribbean coastline. Not only do these ecosystems serve as carbon sinks, but they also provide essential services like clean drinking water, timber, and natural disaster risk reduction.
As a supporter, Whitehall is safeguarding the habitat of 30 species of high conservation value and 500 bird species. The project focuses on improving healthcare and education access for women and girls, particularly among Indigenous groups, developing sustainable agroforestry systems and livelihoods, and encouraging ecotourism that will employ local community members.
The Conservation Coast project has earned certification from the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS) and is also REDD+.
Understanding the PAS 2060 Certification
Introduced in 2010 and revised in 2014, the PAS 2060 standard, issued by the British Standards Institution (BSI), is a universally accepted specification for carbon neutrality.
To secure PAS 2060 certification, an organisation must fulfil four requirements:
- Carbon Footprint Measurement: Accurate determination of the organisation’s carbon footprint to gauge its environmental impact.
- Publication of a Qualifying Explanatory Statement (QES): This encompasses a pledge to attain carbon neutrality, a timeline to realise this goal, a detailed carbon reduction plan, and a commitment to continuous emissions reduction.
- Investment in High-Quality Carbon Offsets: To balance the carbon footprint for a specified period, organisations must invest in trusted carbon offset initiatives.
- Annual Carbon Footprint Reduction: Demonstrable annual reduction in the organisation’s carbon footprint, reinforcing its enduring commitment to sustainability.
Go Green Experts Ltd has calculated Whitehall’s carbon footprint and is the 3rd Party assessor in the production of Whitehall’s PAS 2060 QES.